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New Year Intentions & Practicing Gratitude

Isabelle Sagra

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

Happy New Year Respira Yogis!

The start of a New Year is a natural time to set new intentions and to reflect on what we are grateful for. No matter what our circumstances, no matter what is going on our lives right now, we can all be grateful for something.

During January we will be infusing our yoga practice with gratitude for the new beginning that we are gifted at the start of each year and indeed every single morning. Bringing to the forefront of our mind the things that we are truly grateful for and anointing each of those special thoughts with a nourishing breath and an internal 'thank you'.

The New Year is a time to remember that getting old is a privilege. Being able to move our bodies, to step on the mat and practice yoga is a privilege that not everybody is able to enjoy.

There really is no better place than the yoga mat to begin to cultivate gratitude and let it permeate into our lives.

Take a moment now.

Close your eyes and connect with your breath.

What are you grateful for right now, in this present moment?

It could be the people that you have in your life; the safe environment in which you live; your resilience through life's challenges. Or perhaps you are simply grateful for the opportunity to try again and enjoy a brand new day.

Our yoga practice reminds us time after time to stop. To breathe. To notice. To feel.

As our bodies move and unfold we are able to go inside and soak up the sensations, the nuances, the vibrations. We reconnect with our breath, with our soul. We begin to sense our prana, our life force. We become more aware of how our body responds to our treatment of it. To notice how our minds soften and find new clarity with each moment spent on the yoga mat.

This January, let your intention or 'sankalpa' be to come back to this attitude of gratitude every morning.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie

Come along to class and let yourself be fully soaked in gratitude.

If you are joining us for yoga in Jan 2018, we are so excited to travel with you as you progress along your healing yoga journey. It is so important that we all take time-out from our 24/7, constantly plugged in lifestyles to replenish our inner eco-system and heal & strengthen our bodies with yoga.

Classes kick off tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd January 2018). Most are nearing full capacity, so if you have a particular class that you would like to join, be sure to book now to avoid disappointment. We encourage and support your practice by allowing you to swap and make up missed classes. This is pretty unique for a Yoga provider and our students all tell us how helpful this is, as it helps them to keep their practice regular and not feel like they are losing out. If you would prefer to try a class out first before signing up for the term (£10) then please email to arrange although if the class is subsequently full this will not be possible.

Reminder of January - March 2018 Class Passes:

Sundays 11am Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 7th Jan - 25th March (£120)

Sundays 12.15pm (Level2) Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 7th Jan - 25th March (£120)

Mondays 8pm YMCA Harrow, 12 weeks, 8th Jan - 26th March (£120)

Tuesdays 7.30pm Whitmore School, 12 weeks, 9th Jan - 27th March (£120)

Wednesdays 10.30am Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 3rd Jan - 28th March (£120)

Fridays 10.30am YMCA Harrow, 11 weeks, 5th Jan - 23rd March (excl 16th Feb) (£110)

If you need more convincing, check out these wonderful reviews. Don’t delay! Book online here and you can look forward to a happier, healthier, fitter version of you.

Unplug & Restore Mini-Retreat - Sat 20th Jan

If regular, weekly classes are not for you, then you may enjoy this Mini-Retreat. This gorgeous, restorative class will be taken by the lovely Emma Burns. Book here.

Suitable for complete beginners, improvers and athletes alike and highly recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind. This class is also a great introduction to Yoga and a wonderful gift idea for a loved one who you think would benefit from the incredible benefits of this ancient practice. Space is limited so book soon!

Wishing you a wonderful start to 2018 and look forward to meeting you back on the mat in 2018!

- Namaste -


“Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page.”

- Henry Ward Beecher

Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

For inspirational musings on all things yoga and wellness related, please follow Respira Yoga on Facebook & Instagram

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