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Inspirational Musings & January Class Registration Begins!

Isabelle Sagra

"Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.” - Kevin Trudeau

Hey Respira Yogis!

How are you feeling?

The run up to the festive period can be really exciting but we can also find ourselves feeling a little depleted as the year draws to a close. You may be in need of an inner-reboot or perhaps you are simply feeling kind of flat?

Well, the good news is that there is a simple solution. There is nothing like a little time on the yoga mat to blow away the cobwebs, reignite your Agni or inner fire and to get the Prana or life force flowing more freely through the body.

During yoga class we invite our bodies to twist, to unfold, to bend, to stretch, to peel open, to melt, to unknot, to energise, to unfurl & to find balance.

This helps our minds to soften, to go inwards, to release, to notice and to become more calm, present and grateful.

This enables our inner eco-system to rest, to flush out, to find new nourishment. And all of this leaves us happy with a strong immune system which is so important for fighting off any winter bugs!

We walk away feeling like a weight has lifted, with a spring in our step and a new sense of joy and ease. With time and practice, you find that you crave this time on the mat, this flowing, dancing meditation, these moments of stillness, of awareness, of introspection.

There are a few classes left before we break for Christmas so come along and you will not recognize yourself afterwards as it will make you feel so energized, positive and happy!

January Registration Now Open - Book Now!

Most classes are at full capacity for the current term so if you're hoping to join us in January, please don't delay and book now to avoid disappointment. If you'd rather bring cash along to class over the next two weeks, rather than book online, then simply drop me a line and I'll reserve you a space.

Remember that when you book a term pass, if you have to miss a class you can make it up by attending another class during the term. Just send an email to confirm when you'll be attending instead.

January - March 2018 Class Passes:

Sundays 11am Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 7th Jan - 25th March (£120)

Sundays 12.15pm (Level2) Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 7th Jan - 25th March (£120)

Mondays 8pm YMCA Harrow, 12 weeks, 8th Jan - 26th March (£120)

Tuesdays 7.30pm Whitmore School, 12 weeks, 9th Jan - 27th March (£120)

Wednesdays 10.30am Harrow Arts Centre, 12 weeks, 3rd Jan - 28th March (£120)

Fridays 10.30am YMCA Harrow, 11 weeks, 5th Jan - 23rd March (excl 16th Feb) (£110)

If regular, weekly classes are not for you, then you may enjoy one of the below monthly workshops:

Winter Solstice Candlelit Yoga - Thursday 21st Dec 6.30pm

Embrace the longest night of the year & reconnect with yourself in a candlelit practice celebrating the Winter Solstice. Moving from slow, mindful flows to quiet restorative poses, guided meditation and pranayama (controlled breathing) this practice is the perfect opportunity to slow down and find light & inspiration for the winter season & coming new year. Perfect for complete beginners and improvers, this unique, one-off class is designed to centre you for the Christmas break to come. Book here.

Unplug & Restore Mini Retreat - Saturday 20th January 2018

Our constantly switched-on way of living can deplete and exhaust us, placing huge strain on the nervous system with all sorts of repercussions for our health. Take time out to replenish your inner eco-system in this gorgeous 2 hour Mini-Retreat.

We begin with pranayama (controlled breathing) then move through a sequence of energy-restoring, floor based restorative & yin style poses, closing with a deeply nourishing & healing Yoga Nidra guided meditation. This wonderful addition to your weekend and will leave you feeling totally renewed and zen. Suitable for complete beginners, improvers and athletes alike and highly recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind. This class is also a great introduction to Yoga and a wonderful gift idea for a loved one who you think would benefit from the incredible benefits of this ancient practice. Space is limited so book soon! Book here.

If you haven't yet joined us but have been meaning to, then this is your moment... You can go right ahead and book your term pass or workshop here.

We look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon.

- Namaste -


"The body is your temple. Keep it pure & clean for the soul to reside in".

– B.K.S Iyengar

Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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