Isabelle Sagra
Dec 18, 20173 min read
Festive Updates & Last Minute Gift Ideas!
It has been an incredible year for Respira Yoga London and we could not have done it without your unwavering loyalty and support.  Your dedi
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Isabelle Sagra
Dec 8, 20173 min read
Inspirational Musings & January Class Registration Begins!
The run up to the festive period can be really exciting but we can also find ourselves feeling a little depleted as the year draws to a clos
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Isabelle Sagra
Nov 24, 20174 min read
Simple Steps To A Strong Immune System
Incorporating Yoga asana practice, Pranayama (controlled breathing) and meditation into everyday life can feel like a challenge and a bit of
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Isabelle Sagra
Oct 27, 20173 min read
Invest In Your Body & Your Mind..
Autumn Term Kicks-Off On Sunday - Book Now!Â
Most classes are at full capacity for the current term so if you're hoping to join us duri
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Isabelle Sagra
Oct 12, 20173 min read
So Many Treats In Store For You!
I trust that you're settling into Autumn well and enjoying the beautiful changes that nature is presenting us with. This is a time to f
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