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New Class Launch & So Much More!..

Isabelle Sagra

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu​

Hey Respira Yoga Community. I have some exciting news to share with you!

Due to popular demand we are launching a new evening class at Respira Yoga London. The fabulous Emma Burns (pictured above) will be teaching this new Mondays 8pm class @ YMCA Harrow, every week.

Emma and I became friends during our Yoga Teacher Training and have since become yoga buddies sharing our love of all things yoga and wellness related. We have recently discovered that our teaching styles are very similar, so it makes perfect sense for Emma to teach at Respira Yoga and share her inspiring practice with you. You can check out her awe-inspiring Instagram page here.

My students have been saying great things about Emma's teaching since she took a few classes for me when I was away. If you have been looking for a deep, dynamic, soulful & soothing Wednesday night yoga class, then look no further! Book now and don't miss out on this opportunity to practice with Emma. Classes launch next Monday 17th Nov - 18th Dec and it's a 4 Week Pass for £40. If you would prefer to come for a taster class with Emma first, simply contact us to arrange.

Remember, Self-Care Is Your 'Divine Responsibility'.

If setting some time aside each day to nourish your body and inner-eco system feels challenging, then coming to class & developing a regular yoga practice where you are guided into a state of calm and given ideas for how to make self-care part of your everyday life, could be the answer.

Most classes are nearing full capacity for the current term so if you're hoping to join us during November and December, please don't delay and book now to avoid disappointment. If you'd rather bring cash along than book online, no problem. Simply drop me a line and I'll reserve you a space.

Remember that when you book a term pass, if you have to miss a class you can make it up by attending another class during the term. Just send an email to confirm when you'll be attending instead.

November & December Classes

Mondays 8.00pm YMCA Harrow

Sundays 11.00am Harrow Arts Centre

Sundays 12.15pm (Intermediate) Harrow Arts Centre

Tuesdays 7.30pm Whitmore School, FULL

Wednesdays 10.30am Harrow Arts Centre

Fridays 10.30am YMCA Harrow

If regular, weekly classes are not for you, then you may enjoy one of the below monthly workshops:

Yoga In The Dark for RNIB - Sat 18th Nov 4.30pm

We are partnering with Royal National Institute for the Blind to experience some of the challenges faced by blind people and to raise funds by holding a Restorative Yoga Class In The Dark. Suitable for all levels & recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind. Just 2 spaces left! Book here.

Candlelit Winter Solstice Yoga - Thursday 21st Dec 6.30pm

A wonderful gift idea for someone you love & perfect for complete beginners and improvers, this unique, one-off class is designed to centre you for the Christmas break to come. Book here.


Unwind from the festive period and welcome in 2018, letting your body & mind rest completely in this gorgeous workshop. This wonderful addition to your weekend and will leave you feeling totally renewed and zen. Suitable for all levels & recommended for anyone seeking stress-relief or a quiet space to unwind. We begin with pranayama (controlled breathing) then move through a sequence of energy-restoring, floor based restorative & yin style poses, closing with a deeply nourishing & healing Yoga Nidra guided meditation. Book here.

Ever Wondered Why We Practice Savasana?

I always say that savasana or corpse pose, which we practice at the end of every class, is possibly the most challenging posture, as it requires us to totally still the mind and to do nothing but completely relax.

Our minds want to wonder. It's only natural and every time that we draw our minds back to the breath, envisaging it entering the body, filling us up with fresh prana, fresh energy, represents a small victory for mindfulness.

When we still the mind we can begin to notice the smallest things, changes in the energy of our body, the sound & rhythm of our breath and in doing so we can start the practice of cultivating present moment awareness. When we are in the present moment we tend to feel less stressed and more happy. It is so important to bring balance to our very 'yang' busy lifestyles, where we are constantly switched on.

Our mind does not get a break and it can wreak havoc on our health. Stress is now believed to be responsible for the majority of illnesses and disease. When we are chronically stressed and continually operating on our 'flight or flight' nervous system, our immune system becomes weakened. Yoga is incredibly effective at switching us back to our 'rest & digest' nervous system where the body can get on with cell renewal and healing. It is no small coincidence that regular yoga practitioners tend to live long and healthy lives.

With yoga we invite the element of yin to our lives, stilling the mind, giving ourselves such much needed down time, switching ourselves onto standby as it were. Come to class and experience the powerful, magical practice of savasana. Let go of what is weighing you down. Find total passivity and rest in this final shape before continuing on with your day...your week. Melting into that very special moment.

You can book your term pass or workshop here. I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon.

- Namaste -


Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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Please consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. By participating in online yoga classes with Respira Yoga London, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge Respira Yoga London, Isabelle Sagra and any contracted teachers, from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of  Respira Yoga London, Isabelle Sagra or any contracted teachers' negligence.                  


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