Isabelle Sagra
Oct 19, 20161 min read
Matsyasana - 'Destroyer of all diseases'
According to traditional text, Fish pose, Matsyasana, is ‘the destroyer of all diseases'. What more can you ask for from a yoga asana? In...
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Isabelle Sagra
Oct 11, 20161 min read
Autumn/Winter Yoga Term Pass - Book now!
Time is running out to book your new Yoga Term Pass! Please book online ASAP to avoid disappointment. Isabelle from Respira Yoga draws on...
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Isabelle Sagra
Sep 23, 20161 min read
Autumn Equinox - Our theme this week
As the air becomes crisp, the leaves start to turn and the days grow shorter - we start to crave coziness, folding into ourselves. Come...
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