Boost your Immune System with Winter Yoga!
Happy December to all of you lovely people in our Respira Yoga Community!

Its time to talk to you about how yoga can enhance your health especially during the winter season.
Would it surprise you to know that mindfulness and maintaining a regular winter yoga practice can help boost your immune system?
During this time of year we naturally want to cosy-up indoors and slow down and it is crucial that we listen to what our body needs and take it down a notch at this time of year. If we overdo it, we are inviting colds, flu and bugs to enter our bodies.
Especially during and after our Candlelit Winter Solstice Restorative Session, (Wed 21st December) I'll be inviting you all to slow your practice down.
We'll focus more on breathing, yin-style, meditative, slow classes with deep, long holds to strengthen and balance our immune system and help to fight off depression which can tend to rear its head during this season.

Practicing restorative yoga in this way deeply relaxes the nervous system, helping to stimulate lymphatic drainage and boost the endocrine system.
All of this has the effect of supporting our immunity and help us to cope better with illness.
Through the practice of yoga we switch ourselves to a more relaxed nervous system which allows our body to focus on restorative functions like cell renewal and the absorption of nutrients instead of producing the stress hormone cortisol, which is aging and detrimental to our overall health.
If you'd like to learn more, have a read of my recent post on the science behind yoga.
There is some space in classes leading up to Christmas so email me if you'd like to join us between now and then. We take a break over Christmas between 22nd December and 7th January, kicking off our new term on 8th January 2017
2017 Class Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for the new yoga class term. Most classes are currently nearing full capacity, so if you have a particular class that you would like to join, be sure to book early to avoid disappointment.
What to expect..
My classes are suitable for beginners and intermediate yoga practitioners. Each class runs for one hour and 15 minutes and I create a new theme, focus and lesson plan for each class to keep it interesting. I keep the classes small so 6-18 people maximum.
We practice to calming music, stretching, breathing, opening up the body, then moving through some more challenging, dynamic, strengthening postures before slowing it down again, coming back to a more calming meditative state.
We relax to the words of a beautiful poem and the scent of lemongrass at the end of class to ensure that everyone totally switches off in Savasana (corpse pose) for the full 5 minutes. Its a gorgeous class that will leave you feeling amazing. If you need more convincing, then take a look at the reviews!
Come along and give yourself some love! I look forward to seeing you at a yoga class in the not too distant future.
- Namaste -
Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112
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