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Summer Updates

"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet" – Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to Summer! Solstices have been essential and sacred points in the year to honor the flow of life on earth since ancient times. As the sun rises to the highest point in the sky on summer solstice day (21st June), we enjoy the longest day of the year and the beginning of the summer season. We are also reminded of our own radiance, power and strength.

Think of Summer Solstice as a wonderful time to press pause, to reflect on where you are and consider what you would like to achieve during the second half of the year. This is also the perfect time to set yourself up for the best summer ever! Perhaps take up a new creative hobby, book an exciting new type of holiday, (maybe a yoga retreat!) or even look at incorporating new beneficial habits into your daily life (perhaps meditation or volunteering).

During this time of transition, we want to avoid imbalances and energetic disruption and the right yoga practice can alleviate stress by allowing the body to adapt more slowly to the change. According to Ayurveda, during Summer Solstice and a couple of week either side, as we initiate our second half of our journey around the sun, we should be gradually shifting from activating and heating ‘kapha’ balancing activities to a more pacifying or ‘pitta’ yoga practice which is cooling and regenerative.

Come and join me this week and next for a Summer Solstice focused practice embodying the cosmic pause, as we shift into the summer season.

We will be expanding into the fullness and upward energy of backbends (cobra, dancer, camel, sphinx, bridge and wheel) and grounding into the stability and strength of the earth (in postures like bow, warrior, triangle and tree).

Summer Class Update

Please book now for next term which kicks off in a few weeks! Many classes are full so please don't delay booking or you may be disappointed. Tuesday 7.30pm and Sunday 11am classes will continue without disruption throughout the whole summer. I will be taking some time out, so a couple of classes will be covered by another instructor but will be taught in a very similar style.

Monday 10.30am will be discontinued to allow me to focus on more personalised Private yoga classes. Don’t forget you can also attend level 2/3 Invigorating Flow (not for beginners) @ 12.15pm Harrow Arts Centre from 23rd July and also there will be Yoga @ 10.30am in West Harrow Park for Charity during the first 3 Saturdays in August.

Yoga in the Park for Charity

Respira Yoga would like to invite you to Yoga in West Harrow Park this August.

Did you know that around seven young people aged between 13 and 24 are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. They need expert treatment and support from the moment they hear the word ‘cancer.’ Teenage Cancer Trust is the only charity dedicated to making this happen.

If you didn't make it to any of my charity classes in West Harrow Park last year, then here is your chance to experience how liberating and grounding it is to practice yoga outside to the sounds of nature, surrounded by nothing but trees, blue skies & clouds. It is also a wonderful way for our community to get together to celebrate summer, wellness and our beautiful local park that we are so blessed to enjoy. Let’s get together to breathe, energise and evolve, whilst raising money for a great cause.

To reserve your spot please click 'Going' in the Facebook Event here. Dates in image above. Please share this event with your friends on Facebook. Your donation of £10 cash on the day will go to Teenage Cancer Trust. Your support in spreading the word is greatly appreciated.

Please note that in the event of rain, this event will be called off. Updates will be provided via the Facebook event page ONLY so please keep be sure to like Respira Yoga's Facebook page and keep an eye on the event nearer the time.

If you haven't yet booked your spot then treat yourself today! This workshop will leave you feeling deeply nourished & energised, with more openness in your body and a calmer mind. By booking this class you can look forward to hitting pause on the fast pace of life and taking some precious time out to unwind and focus on self-care for your body and mind. Early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. I look forward to seeing you there.

When: Saturday 1st July, 4.30 - 6.30pm

Where: YMCA Activity Studio, Roxeth Hill, Harrow, HA2 0JN

Pricing: £25 Book HERE!

Private Yoga – Introductory Offer

If you chose to begin one-to-one yoga classes with me you will benefit from having your yoga classes personalized, as we work to precisely fit what you need on your yoga journey. One-to-one tuition is a great way to deepen your practice. Sessions are tailored specifically for your personal level of experience and can be dynamic, therapeutic, or restorative depending on your goals and lifestyle.

For example, I could offer you a program focussed on: stress relief and relaxation; flexibility; strength; mindfulness and breathing techniques; yoga for athletes, yoga for beginners; restorative or energising yoga. Whether you are just starting out, or you are a seasoned yoga student, having a private instructor working with you allows you to be the best you can personally be at yoga.

Take advantage of this new introductory offer - £45 for your first one-hour private yoga class, then £70 per session.

I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon!

- Namaste -


Respira Yoga London Mob: 07990 820112

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